現在的時間是 周五 4月 19, 2024 5:17 pm






All posts on this forum are protected and PRIVATE. Information posted on this forum may not be reposted or leaked to any unauthorized source. 所有在論壇的文章都是保密的。請注意論壇的文章在未經許可下是嚴禁轉載或者對外公開。 Administrator Team takes spam very seriously. All attempts to spam or make unauthorized remarks on any topic may be removed at any point. 管理團隊張嚴格取締廣告商。任何廣告以任可形式於論壇內發報均會在不作出知會的情況下刪除。 The Administrator Team and all associated moderators has the right to move, edit, modify, delete, lock, and make public any associated thread as deemed necessary. They are also within right to close off membership group access, remove user rights, suspend new user registration, pause forum activity, and place the forum under suspension or deletion. 管理團隊及相關版主有權在有需要的情況下對文章進行移送、修改、刪除、關閉或者向公眾公開。他們亦有權去關閉用戶組連接、移除使用者權限、暫停使用者注冊、停止論壇運作或者將論壇運作終止或移除。 All members of this forum must maintain a basic level of respect towards other members. HKGOLDEN members shall have more rights on this forum than visitors. 所有論壇使用者必須對其他使用者作出基本尊重。高登會員比起外客用戶者將會有更多使用權限。 Due to 3rd Party forum hosting, information security is never guaranteed by the Administrator Team nor the forum host. Do not post any personally identifiable information if you do not wish to disclose this information in public form. The forum host nor the Administrator Team will never ask you for your password(s), credit card information or other personal information. Do NOT respond to any questionable phishing messages. 本論壇是在使用第三方伺服器的情況下建立,因此管理團隊及伺服器供應商均沒有義務去保障使用者的訊息保密。請勿於論壇內透露你的個人資料。伺服器供應商或管理團隊是不會向你查詢你的個人密碼、信用卡資料或其他個人資料。接收到這些詢問時,請你不要回覆。   Opinions expressed by users and members of this forum does not necessarily represent the views of staff, managements or members eRepublik, HKGOLDEN, the eRepublik HKGOLDEN Party, or this forum. We are not and will not be held responsible for any posts made that may violate any eRepublik, local, state/province, federal, country, or international laws. 任何使用者所發表的意見和立場均不代表eRepublik的職員、管理者及玩家,又或者高登黨職員、管理者及黨員,又或者本論壇。本論壇將不會承擔任何有可能觸犯 eRepublik、地區、州縣、聯邦、國家或國際條例的法律責任。 Information posted on this forum may NOT be reposted, printed, or reproduced in any other fashion without the explicit written consent of this forum's Administrator Team. This term is non-negotiable, and subject to prosecution to the fullest extent of any applicable laws where appropriate. 任何訊息在未經管理團隊書面通知下嚴禁以任何形式進行發報、列印、或者轉載。此條例將不再修改,並於最大範圍內適用於任何法例。 All users MUST use their eRepublik Character Name for their forum user name, or make it such that it is extremely close to what your character name is. Otherwise your username will never be approved into the forums. 所有用戶必須選擇用eRepublik的名字開戶, 否則Admin不會批准戶口. 如果不能用確切名字, 即可用相似名字. All changes are subject to change without further notice. It is the responsibility of each user to regularly read up on any updates to this page. 任何更改將不會作出任何進一步的公告。經常返讀本頁更新是每一個用戶的職責. Thank you. 多謝。 The eRepublik HKGOLDEN Party Forum Administrator Team eRepublik高登黨管理團隊